Social Science Symposium Set for Friday, April 22, at Shorter University
The Social Sciences Department at Shorter University will host its third annual Social Science Symposium on Friday, April 22. The symposium, which will examine topics related to the Fourth Wave of Terror, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Austin Moses Room on Shorter’s Rome campus.
A focal point of the symposium will be the 11 a.m. panel discussion that will consider the question of what conflict (if any) could be caused if 100,000 Syrian refugees were allowed into the United States. The discussion will be chaired by Dr. Sherrill Hayes, director of the Master of Science in Conflict Management program at Kennesaw State University. The panel members will include Shorter University faculty members Dr. Charles Carter, Dr. Justin Pettegrew, Dr. Barsha Pickell, and Linn Pitts, Ed.S.
The day’s scheduled presentations will examine John Stuart Mills’ views on liberty versus security (9:45 to 10:15 a.m.), immigrants’ assimilation versus their connection to their homeland (10:15-11 a.m.), and the process of radicalization (12-12:45 p.m.). Dr. Pickell, chair of Shorter’s Social Sciences Department and associate professor of political science, will deliver the final seminar of the day, discussing “A Constitutional Perspective on the Liberty versus Security Debate.”
The Social Science Symposium is open to the public at no charge.
Founded in 1873, Shorter University is a Christ-centered, four-year liberal arts university committed to excellence in education. The Princeton Review annually includes Shorter on its list of best Southeastern Colleges. Shorter is a member of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). The university offers traditional bachelor’s degrees in 40 areas of study, online courses and degree programs, undergraduate programs for working adults, and four master’s programs. Learn more about Shorter at