Consumer Information - Shorter University

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to set forth the procedure to assure Shorter University’s compliance with federal law related to student consumer and security information notification. Federal law requires an institution that participates in Title IV financial aid programs to disclose certain specified information to its students and to provide each currently enrolled student with annual notice of that information (“Notice”). The Notice must be provided to each student directly through (a) the US mail, (b) student mail boxes, or (c) student email accounts. The Notice must summarize the information required to be disclosed by federal law, provide an electronic web address where the information can be located on the institution’s website, and inform students that they are entitled to a paper copy of the information and how to obtain it. The Notice must be sufficiently detailed to allow students to understand the nature of the information disclosed and make an informed decision on whether to seek additional information.

This consumer information page is designed to highlight the twenty four provisions that all institutions must disclose and report to current and prospective students, based on the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. The Office of Student Affairs posts the Student Consumer Information Report to the student portal page (Scholar) and sends an email to all students by mid-September which includes the required information on the following: The Pinnacle – Student HandbookClery Report FERPA Policy Alcohol and Other Drug Policies Retention Rates Graduation Rates Equity in Athletics Report



Campus Crime Reporting

Campus Emergency Procedures

Complaint/Grievance Form

Student Grievance Policy

Consumer Information on College Navigator

College Cost

Student Achievement Information
(Graduation Rates, Retention Rates, Post Graduate Data, Etc.)

Disciplinary Proceeding Disclosures
(see “Student Conduct Process” in Student Handbook)

Drug and Alcohol Policies

The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, and marijuana are prohibited at Shorter University, including all sites for the College of Adult and Professional Programs and any University sponsored event on or off campus, and are incompatible with the goals of the institution. Shorter University is also a tobacco free environment.  Shorter University joins the long list of institutions recognized as a Tobacco Free Organization by the American Lung Association.  The policy is found in The Pinnacle and the website at:

Drug and Alcohol Policy

To retain a hard copy of this policy or The Pinnacle – Student Handbook, please visit The Office of Student Life in Fitton Student Union, Room 229.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Drug and Violation Penalty Notice

The Equity in Athletics report for Shorter University can be accessed by clicking here. This report includes information on allocations, ratios and expenses associated with our student athletes. For more information about this report or to request a hard copy, please visit the Athletic Director in Winthrop-King Centre.

FERPA Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford students certain rights with respect to their educational records. The policy can be found in The Pinnacle, Shorter University Catalog, and on Shorter’s website at:

Please see the Registrar for more information about the FERPA Policy or to request a copy of the policy.

Financial Aid Policies

Fire Safety

Student Housing Evacuation

Missing Person Procedure

Peer to Peer File Sharing

Red Flags Rule/ Identity Theft Prevention Program

Shorter University Annual Security Report Shorter University Annual Security Report and Statement of Campus Security Policy is prepared, published, and distributed every fall by email to students, faculty, and staff. This reports includes the Clery Campus Crime Report and policies regarding access to campus facilities, alcohol and drug use, confidentiality of reporting crimes, sexual assault, and information on security awareness programs. To retain a hard copy of this report, please visit the Campus Safety Office in room 126 of the Fitton Student Union.

Download a copy of the Annual Security Report

Title IX, Sexual Harassment

Prevention Tips

Awareness Information

Harassment and Assault Bystander Intervention Tips

Title IX Coordinator

Title IX and Campus Save Information

Mandatory University Reporting Policy

Campus Wide Incident Report

Student Aid Improvements

Student Aid Simplification

Student Loan Sunshine


The Pinnacle, Student Handbook

The student handbook contains information on what to do in case of an emergency, the University’s mission statement and Educational Principles, policies for student life, student organization information, Student Government Association Constitution, Honor Code, academic policies, social regulations and policies, the judicial system, etc. Every new student should have received a copy of The Pinnacle. If you did not receive a copy, please go by the Student Activities Office and pick up your copy. Returning students can find a copy of the handbook posted at: Student Handbook.

To retain a hard copy of The Pinnacle – Student Handbook, please visit The Office of Student Life in Fitton Student Union, Room 229.

Title IX Coordinator

Title IX Information / Sexual Harassment

Transfer of Credit

Voter Registration